Monday, April 06, 2015

The REAL Reason Rachel Roy Won't Let Dame See the Kids?

Last week Damon Dash aired out his child custody issues with ex-wife Rachel Roy on Instagram giving fans a front row seat to the drama [click here if you missed that].

Now Dame gives an more in-depth explanation for why Rachel won't let him see his kids…

In a face to face Skype interview with Boyce Watkins Dame explains,
“I haven’t seen my daughters in about three weeks just because [Rachel] asked me to be with her and I said no and every since then its been war…She left me when it looked like I wasn’t doing too well and the woman that rode with me I’m staying with… and because of that she hasn’t been letting me see my grandfather died and she wouldn’t let me take my daughters to the funeral…”
Dame also admits getting physical with one of Rachel's male friends who tried to intervene.