Wednesday, July 08, 2015

Bill Cosby's Lawyer Speaks Out

Earlier this week Bill Cosby supporters were shocked after a 2005 deposition from a civil lawsuit that was settled out of court was unsealed revealing that Cosby had admitted under oath to obtaining quaaludes with the purpose of supplying them to women he intended to have sex with [click here if you missed that].

Bill Cosby's lawyer speaks out about the new revelations…

Bill Cosby's lawyer tells ABC News,
“The only reason Mr. Cosby settled was because it would have been embarrassing in those days to put all those women on the stand and his family had no clue.That would have been hurtful.”
During the deposition several women admitted to willingly taking the drugs supplied by Bill Cosby as a prelude to sex, while the woman who filed the lawsuit claims she did not give her consent.