Wednesday, July 01, 2015

Nick Gordon Hires Casey Anthony's Lawyer

Last week the court appointed guardian for Bobbi Kristina Brown filed a civil lawsuit against her boyfriend Nick Gordon accusing him of physical abuse and theft [click here if you missed that].

While no criminal charges have been filed insiders claim Nick has hired a top notch criminal defense team…

From ET
Sources close to Gordon's legal team tell ET that Atlanta criminal defense attorney Joe Habachy, Gordon's lead lawyer, is preparing to bring in famous attorney Jose Baez --- who's best-known for serving as the lead defense attorney for Casey Anthony. Anthony was found not guilty of the first degree murder of her 2-year-old daughter, Caylee Anthony, in 2011.
Another person being brought onto the team is TJ Ward, one of the private investigators who worked on the disappearance of Natalee Holloway, an American teenager who went missing in Aruba while on a high school graduation trip in 2005.