Wednesday, August 12, 2015

Beverly Johnson Opens Up About Coke Addiction and Starvation in New Book

70s supermodel Beverly Johnson opens up about her secret cocaine addiction and how she starved herself to stay thin…

Promoting her new book 'The Face the Changed it All' Beverly admits to People Magazine,
"I was eating nothing, zero. I drank black coffee, a sip of broth if things got tough, and in the evening, a glass of champagne as a pick me up. We didn't even drink water. We thought it was was fattening." 
"The skinner you were, the more fabulous you were. Drug use was encouraged. It was like 'Oh my god, you are chiseled to the bone.' All of the things you needed to be a high class model: high cheekbones, bright eyes, that was all provided by the drugs. It was like being offered a drink. It was one of the perks. People around us always had it."
"We thought it was glamorous and expensive, but it was all a delusion."
Beverly's book, 'The Face that Changed it All' hits bookstores August 25, 2015.

Fun Fact: Last year Beverly Johnson came forward claiming she had once been drugged by comedian Bill Cosby but escaped sexual assault because she realized what was happening and cursed him out [click here if you missed that].