Tuesday, August 11, 2015

Nia Guzman Blames Chris Brown for Increased Need for Support

Earlier this month Chris Brown went off on his baby mama, Nia Guzman, implying she was using his daughter as a meal ticket [click here if you missed that].

Nia's attorney explains why she and baby Royalty need more cash and blame it on Chris and his rabid fan base…

Nia Guzman's attorney tells Hollywood Life,
“Nia is not using Royalty as a pawn. Nia simply wants Chris to do everything a responsible father would do; and that’s to provide protection and safety for his child. We want Chris to pay child support! She’s asking the court to award her the proper child support and she wants significantly more than what Chris is currently paying.”
“Royalty needs clothing, food, shelter, and with Royalty being Chris’ daughter, Nia absolutely wants Royalty to have security. You’d be horrified with the life Nia’s forced to live here in Houston. The paparazzi and regular citizens themselves come up to Nia every day while she’s in the grocery store, pumping gas, and even while she’s in the park playing with Royalty. They’re taking pictures, invading their space and Nia is very scared and concerned for Royalty’s safety as well as her own.”
“Chris has a lot of fans here in Houston and based on the undeserved bashing he’s given Nia on his social media platforms, some of his fans get aggressive toward Nia and say inappropriate things to her — right in front of Royalty.”