Friday, September 18, 2015

T.I. Backtracks on Iggy Azalea Comments

Earlier this week rapper T.I. alluded to cutting ties with his protégée Iggy Azalea after growing weary of fighting her constant battles [click here if you missed that].

Apparently Tip is back on #TeamIggy

T.I. tells The Associated Press,
"That's still my partner. Her life has taken her in a different direction. My life is still as it was before. But Iggy is doing what she feels makes Iggy happy. That's what she should do. We're focused on making the next Iggy record and dodge the same adversities we faced last time."
"It's definitely not a 'sever my ties, walk away, I'm upset' thing. It was more so like, OK, you have a lot on your plate right now. I'm going to pull back or wait until you come to a place where you're ready to come back to the table, so we can start again and make history some more."