Monday, October 05, 2015

Bill Cosby Loses Another Honorary Degree

Over the past few weeks Fordham University, Marquette University and Brown University have all rescinded honorary degrees bestowed on Bill Cosby [click here here and here if you missed that].

Mr. Cosby just lost another one…

The latest University to turn its back on Bill Cosby is The University of San Fransico.

On Wednesday the president of USF announced,
“During its quarterly fall meeting on campus, the University of San Francisco Board of Trustees voted unanimously on Friday, Sept. 25 to rescind the honorary degree USF awarded to Bill Cosby in 2012.” 
“The university has sent a letter to Mr. Cosby informing him of this decision.”
“By his own statements in a court deposition made public in July, Mr. Cosby acknowledges behavior that is inconsistent with the University of San Francisco’s criteria for a USF honorary degree.”