Wednesday, November 18, 2015

Russell Simmons Calls Rush Card Crash Devastating

It's been nearly two months since some Rush Card users have been unable to access their funds after a systems upgrade gone wrong [click here if you missed that].

In a new interview Russell calls situation devastating for him…

Russell tell Hip Hop DX
“It was one of the most devastating times in my adult life. I know how hard people work to get money. I know how damaging it could be if people were not able to get to their money… I’m deeply sorry. I don’t know what else to do about it but try to make good on it and try to make the people that were damaged whole. That’s all I can do.”
Russell also left a new message to Rush Card users on Facebook

A message to our RushCard family from Russell Simmons. We’re committed to giving you a RushCard experience that’s better...
Posted by RushCard on Wednesday, November 11, 2015
Meanwhile there are still customers complaining about not having access to their cards.