Wednesday, December 30, 2015

Meek Mill Blaming P.O. For Latest Troubles

Last week a judge ruled that Meek Mill violated the conditions of his parole by not informing his parole officer before leaving the state and submitting a watered down urine sample [click here if you missed that].

Now insiders claim Meek believes his parole officer is out to get him...

From Page Six  
“She keeps showing up to his community service, which is not common,” a source said. “She has 122 other cases, but she has it out for him. Probation is supposed to be a rehabilitative thing, but she will do anything to keep him on probation.”
Sources claim Mill and Underwood have a history, though she won’t acknowledge personally knowing the rapper before taking his case.
“She’s from his neighborhood and he had an altercation with her cousin Coo when they were younger,” said a source. We’re told Mill’s been trying to get her removed from his case ever since.