Wednesday, January 20, 2016

Mo'Nique and Sidney Discuss Their Open Marriage

Last month Mo'Nique promised to open a discussion about her open marriage with husband Sidney Hicks [click here if you missed that].

Mo'Nique keeps true to her word...

In a podcast called Mo'Nique and Sidney's Open Relationship Mo'Nique explains,
"I think that a lot of people took it as here’s this fat black women who has this good looking man and now she’s going to let him do whatever he wants to do for the sake of saying she has this good looking man….and what’s funny is when you pull up celebrities and open marriages and you see Will and Jada, whoever the author of that article says, "Well we can understand. They’re beautiful people," when you pull up Brad and Angelina they say, ‘We can understand. They’re beautiful people," but the moment you get to my damn picture they talking about, ‘Awww. We hope Mo’Nique not gone let him do her like that!” 
"And no one knew it was not Sidney’s idea to have an open marriage. It was mine!”
Go here to listen to the full podcast