Saturday, March 24, 2018

PBS Counter Sues Tavis Smiley

Last month talk show host Tavis Smiley filed a lawsuit against PBS after his show was suspended because of sexual harassment claims filed against him [click here if you missed that].

PBS responds...

From TMZ
PBS filed its suit Friday in Washington, DC claiming Smiley engaged in a pattern of sexual misconduct over years. The network hired an investigator after Smiley was initially suspended when employees made claims. In the suit, PBS says it discovered Smiley had multiple sexual encounters with subordinates, made unwanted sexual advances and commented on subordinates' body parts.
According to a witness, PBS says Smiley told one female subordinate, he "would like to see her on her back more often." He also allegedly admitted he "may" have sent pornographic photos to coworkers.
In its suit, PBS is seeking $1.9 million in salary it says it paid Smiley for 2 seasons.