Tuesday, June 18, 2019

Jordan Craig Wins Huge Child Support Increase

Legal docs from Tristan Thompson's child support battle show he has agreed to an increase...

From Radar Online
In her deposition taken on January 31, 2019, Jordan Craig broke down and said she felt her son would “soon” be embarrassed that he wasn’t living the same lifestyle as his half-sister, Kardashian’s daughter True, 1.
“I would like for Prince to just not feel some type of complex,” Blogger Craig said. “Like if he’s playing with his sister and he’s not wearing, like, designer clothes and things — luxury that Tristan can give him that I can’t.”
When Thompson’s attorney, Peter Lauzon, asked Craig how she knew Thompson was paying for True’s luxuries, Craig said, “It doesn’t matter … The child is living a lifestyle where parties are thrown…So my point is…these are luxury things that I’m not able to afford for my son. So you ask what else I would like. I would like to be able to provide things that Tristan provides to that child. The lifestyle of that child should be the same for my son.”
In May 2019, Thompson agreed to give Craig $40,000 a month, and $200,000 in retroactive child support.

Jordan had been receiving $15, 000 a month.