Friday, November 25, 2022

Brandy Settles Lawsuit with Former Housekeeper

Back in March R&B singer Brandy was slapped with an age discrimination and unlawful termination lawsuit by her fomer maid [click here if you missed that].

Brandy and the maid have settled...

Brandy Norwood reached a settlement with her ex-housekeeper and agreed to pay $40k to end the battle, has learned.
According to court documents obtained by, the 5-figure deal was revealed as the housekeeper’s lawyers are demanding an additional $87,445 in attorney fees.
Castaneda demanded in excess of $250k but settled for $40k. “Lipeles Law Group was able to secure a $40,000 settlement for our client within 6 months of filing the complaint,” the firm wrote.
Brandy denied all allegations of wrongdoing and said the housekeeper was never an employee but an independent contractor.
Now, Castaneda’s law firm has demanded $87k to cover the legal fees in the case. They said they had the majority of their firm working on the case and spent a substantial amount of time on it.
“[Castaneda’s] counsel only seeks a fair recovery for the time, risk, and effort spent in representing its client and now seeks an award of attorney's fees and costs in the amount of $87,445.89” the filing read.