Thursday, November 17, 2022

Future's Child Support Battle Heats Up

Last week it was reported that rapper Future's baby mama no.3, Brittni Mealy, was seeking an increase in her $3,000 a month child support [click here if you missed that]. 

Britti is playing hardball and wants to know about every dime Future made...

From Radar Online
According to court documents obtained by, Mealy wants Future to sit for a deposition and hand over financial documents.
Specifically, she wants to see copies of his tax returns, statements of earnings, information on his sources of income and retirement accounts. Mealy requested that Future list his income for all years from 2014 to present.
Further, she wants him to hand over copies of his credit card statements showing all charges and payments made, a detailed list of any and all money transfers and payments made from July 2014 to present on apps like PayPal and CashApp.
Mealy wants all records relating to home or apartments owned/leased by Future.
In addition, she wants all emails or texts that Future sent to third parties regarding her or their battle. Mealy also wants to know how much Future has stored in cryptocurrency.
The filing demands, “Produce a hard drive image of your cryptocurrency wallet including any “cold” storage wallets.” Mealy believes Future should produce all copies of “payments made to you or in your name or any other person’s name or in your business’s name from July 1, 2014” to present.
Lastly, Mealy has asked Future to turn over a call log of each and every mobile phone which he has used personally or professionally to contact Mealy, “as well as printout of each and every SMS message, iMessage, text message” and email from 2014 to now.
The case remains ongoing.