Monday, June 05, 2023

Tyler James Williams Addresses Gay Speculation

Abbott Elementary heartthrob, Tyler James Williams, addresses speculation about his sexuality and the dangers of attaching stigmas to certain behaviors...



Anonymous said...

If you is or if you ain’t, thats your business. God watching though!

Anonymous said...

Big up to this young man💪🏾....This NEED for gossip has brought us to this point..and i believe its Gen X and them Boomers that's so caught up in people's personal sexual lifestyle . Most of Gen Y & Z don't give af about sexuality or race bc they grew up in this New era of wearing their truth on their sleeve.
You old mf's need to stop acting like homosexuality just started. Yall just mad ppl not hiding no more & y'all feel some type of way. Old silly azzes

Anonymous said...

Oh, he took the intellectual approach. Little boy don’t nobody care what you is. Right now you click bait for Rhymes readers. BUT< whatever you is, and whatever you do, get permission. Don’t be like R, Bill, Trey, Epstein, or this fool Megan Goode running around with. Oh, and have a safe word. Have somebody explain that when you get older.

Anonymous said...

I couldn’t read that soliloquy. Just be yourself. Meow.

Anonymous said...

Sadly, he needed to write that dissertation for the bottom feeders who choose to be obtuse. He is comfortable in his manhood. The end.

Anonymous said...

Concur with 9:58

Anonymous said...

Very articulate. Too bad it won’t be read by those fools who run around calling everybody who’s not a WWE fighter gay.

Anonymous said...

A gender neutral read!

Unknown said...

I think Tyler playing semantics; he may not be gay but I wouldn't rule out bisexual or asexual; he's definitely not hetero.

Anonymous said...

I’m trying to figure out who called him gay or even speculated? Never got the vibes from him. Only thing I ever think when I look at him, is how his body is shaped like an upside down triangle.

Anonymous said...

11:48 He’s talking about people just like you. You got some extra special gaydar?

Anonymous said...

You said all that and could have just copped to the fact that you are gay. People who are not deny that label immediately. Or, just have a seat and stay quiet and let the haters talk. Stay drama free young player.

Anonymous said...

Let me test him out. I'll let y'all know if he is or not. LOLOL

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