Sunday, July 30, 2023

Benzino In Tears Over Deadbeat Dad Label

Last week Source Magazine co-founder Raymond 'Benzino' Scott saw his daughter, rapper Coi Leray, perform for the first time since their estrangement [click here and here if you missed that]. 

In a recent interview Benzio tearfully admits he was hurt when Coi called him a dead beat dad...


Anonymous said...

He wants a pity party. Girls usually love their daddies so she didn't call him that because he was a great father.

WhichOne said...

He's so emotionally immature and incapable, it's unreal. GROW THE F UP BRO. LET GO OF THE PAST. GET THERAPY.

Anonymous said...

"Absent In Her Life" - 😒

Uh Huh B/c He Is Present @The Red Roof End 🙌🏿

Anonymous said...

I knew she was hurting which caused her to lash out the way she did but I never once believed he was a deadbeat. Her upbringing was better than many celeb kids. She knew he is still a public figure in Hip Hop and just went low.
She was happy as hell he came to see her perform.
I wish more fathers let their guards down like this and realize their daughters need them and it isn’t always about the money. Well, in Boosie’s case with that girl who spazzed out because she didn’t know her car would be repossessed after her mother filed for child support, that’s different. She didn’t need that car especially after she was being unnecessarily disrespectful.

Anonymous said...

That thing that helped create me is a deadbeat. That thing didn't do anything for me and had to means to do so. I think Benzino is faking these tears. He needs to do better and we know that Love and Hip Hop isn't known as a true acting show.

Anonymous said...

If he really cares and feels this, he should want to pick his daughter up and head straight to joint therapy. They love each other, need to appreciate each other, but also need to learn how these 2 adults communicate and interpret each other.

Jcee said...

BLACK Men listen and listen good if your child says you wasn’t there or was t a good father YOU WEREN’T it’s not up for debate . The few that pay child support think that paying men as they are a good father. Being a good father means showing up in your child life financially, spiritually, morally and emotionally!!! The only child I knew benzino had was that lil boy he had with that IG lady that was in love and hip hop with him the one he harassed and beat on and used “seeing his son” as a way to control her life. And notice how that he can’t be around her we don’t hear him speak of that lil boy now at one point he was posting that lil boy like it was his only child. Black men gotta stop thinking that not access to the child’s mom means no access to the child. Most of the time when they say she won’t let me see my child it’s really she won’t let him see HER! She is saying things like no you can’t come to my home but you can pick the child up and if they don’t get along she done said pick the child up from my mom or friends house which of course they decline because it’s not about the child.

Jcee said...

And I came back to say look at him making it about him again!! When she was first blowing up he was all in her set taking about let’s do a song together and got mad cuz she does not want to do a song with her 79 year old father when she trying to appeal to 20 year olds. Also wtf is up with these old arse men and rappers getting corn rolls now? Or growing hair that they know is not there or has been enhanced some way Jayz, nas, TI, benzino I’m talking to y’all wtf?

Anonymous said...

Coi Leray stated out her own mouth that she was running around the streets at age 13! And lost her virginity at age 13! Both her parents are fcked up for that.

Anonymous said...

What's hilarious is the guy interviewing him, is looking at him like n*ggah please!!! his body language was a whole eye roll lol

Anonymous said...

It’s easy to be remorseful when they don’t need you anymore

Anonymous said...

The one thing they have is the ‘present’. Both are alive and healthy. Nothing is stopping them from working towards a better outcome.

Anonymous said...

Now he dumb. He lucky his daughter share the spot light mm

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

@3:41 Not Both Their Faults. THAT Is On The Father. No Girl Is Scared Of Her Mother-

@9:56 'Both' Are Not The Father. Not Her Responsibility To Build A Relationship W Him.

Ugh W The Shared Accountability

Anonymous said...

1:07- "no girl is scared of her mother"? Speak for yourself, I was terrified of mine!

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