Friday, July 07, 2023

No Charges for Britney Spears Slap

This week pop star Britney Spears claimed she was slapped in the face by San Antonio Spurs star player Victor Wembanyama [click here if you missed that].

Now it's being reported that no charges will be filed because Britney actually slapped herself...

From TMZ
According to the police report, obtained by TMZ Sports, two members of Britney Spears' security team told cops Victor Wembanyama's guard did NOT appear to strike the singer in the face with a closed fist. Instead, both members said the man seemed to simply push Spears' hand off of the basketball player.
In fact, according to the report, both of Spears' guards said, "this is a standard response for most security/body guards" ... before one added, "it would not be uncommon for them to respond this way."
Cops said in the report surveillance video showed that after Spears touched Wembanyama, the Spurs player's security guard "pushes her hand off of the player without looking which causes Britney's hand to hit herself in the face."
"Due to the fact that [Wembanyama's guard] DID NOT willfully or unlawfully use any force or violence upon Britney," one Las Vegas Metropolitan Police Dept. officer wrote in the report, "and probable cause did not exist an Arrest was not made and a Citation was not given."


Anonymous said...

I wish I could see the video of this where Brittney falls. I bet it's a performance to make all the Karens proud.

Anonymous said...

If her name is Britney, then why curse the birth name blessing Karen? It's a form of bearing false witness against all of the innocent people named Karen who haven't wronged you or anyone else. My 8 year old niece is a young black beautiful child who asked if her name meant she was bad because some dumb arse adults won't address the person they are really mad at. If Linda, Susan, Tamica, John or whomever are out of order then SPEAK THEIR NAME , don't falsely accuse unless you are a coward. Would you testify in court against Karen if Jane robbed you? Smh

Anonymous said...

^^^And Karen has officially entered the chat...

I know some real life Pookies, Ray Ray's and Shaniquas. They don't complain about the negative connotations associated with their name. The Shaniqua I know is an orthodontist so I'm sure your niece will be okay.

Dee said...

@ 3:27 Karen is that you???? You always prove the point we're making. Always. Go back in the house Karen, play pinochle and drink your Bloody Mary... and have Bob's casserole dinner ready when he gets home. Geesh.

Anonymous said...

Oh whatever y’all arguing just to be arguing over nothing

Anonymous said...

Well they ain't pull this one since it was claimed the Old VP shot himself hunting even though they had already said it was POTUS

Anonymous said...

Britney thinks she can touch anyone she wants. Security told her she couldn’t. She’ll get over it. Or she won’t.

Anonymous said...

This ding bat needs to sit her cray cray a$$ down somewhere. You can't walk up to perfect strangers and touch them with out getting the FK knocked out of you. Her own kids don't want to see her. But they will attend that reading of the Will when she's dead.

Anonymous said...

Can you imagine if she would touched someone with way more aggressive security than that. I would hate to read the one about BS broke her own neck. Wonder who smoothed this one over.

Anonymous said...

Britney should've sent her security over to arrange the picture . Security gaurd was wrong because I saw another video and he did hit her in her face without even looking to see who he was hitting. Could've been a woman holding a baby

Anonymous said...

711 that's true. Brittney should have known that is not how that works. It would be different if she was approaching from the front and he had time to recognize who she was. Who knows what condition she was in and how she was looking sneaking up on people talking bout its Britteny B^tch!

Anonymous said...

Imagine if it were reversed: a Black man doing that to
a white woman

WhichOne said...

Britney is making this a big deal when it Sally shouldn't be. Move on girl it's embarrassing

Anonymous said...

The Karens always want an apology. Pendeja, please.

Anonymous said...

She of all people should know not to run up to a celebrity and tap/touch them especially from behind. I can't stand this entitled moron. Next time keep your deranged a$$ at home instead of trying to claim assault when you were in the wrong.

Anonymous said...

🚨NOPE. I am Actually HERE for NBA Con. Brittany was NOT Wrong on this one. The players are here just walking around specifically to take pictures with fans. They are walking with maybe one bodyguard and then about 3 assigned officials.They are ENCOURAGING people to walk right up to them.

That’s what NBA Con has them here for. Brittany was actually very respectful. If you watch the video you see she says “excuse me” and taps him on the shoulder. He doesn’t look back which is fine BUT his security guard doesn’t look back either and just backhand slaps her. She didn’t slap herself. Look at the video. The bodyguard is at fault here. They said allegedly this particular bodyguard has had issues of hitting people previously. But these players are here to take pictures, sign autographs and interact with fans. I’ve seen them being pulled over way more aggressively that what Brittany did and there have been no issues. The bodyguard should have handled the situation differently and better yet Brittany’s bodyguard should have handled it for her. Brittany crazier than a bed bug, But again in this case she was doing what most of the fans here are doing and she was not out of line. That’s what these players are here for.💯🏀

Anonymous said...

No, no, no. He and his security didn’t feel like stopping and that’s that. She shouldn’t touch other people anyway. She and her security don’t want strangers coming up to her and tapping her on the shoulder. Bet she’ll keep her hand to herself next time.

Anonymous said...

Like I said, I'm actually HERE at NBA Con as a guest of the actual NBA abd two team owners. These guys have been instructed by the NBa and the owners to stop for pictures for the fans. They are getting PAID by the NBA this weekend to walk around take pictures, sign autographs and do press. If he didn't want to do that then he should have said no and not accepted the check. I'm not a Brittany Stan so I have no real interest in her, but i can tell you the all players are here to stop and interact with fans unto they get back to their holding rooms. Even Jason of Beverly Hills who designs the championship rings out here posing for pitcures and interviews. That is what they were brought in and PAID to do, so she he was not our of line, she was actually quite respectful compared to some of the pull overs I've seen . 💯

Anonymous said...

Like I said, I'm actually HERE at NBA Con as a guest of the actual NBA and two team owners. These guys have been instructed by the NBA and the owners to stop for pictures for the fans. They are getting PAID by the NBA this weekend to walk around, take pictures, sign autographs, and do press. If he didn't want to do that, then he should have said no and not accepted the check. I'm not a Brittany Stan so I have no real interest in her, but i can tell you all the players are here specifically to stop and interact with fans unto they get back to their holding rooms. Even Jason of Beverly Hills who designs the championship rings out here posing for pitcures and interviews. That is what they were brought in and PAID to do, so she he was not our of line, she was actually quite respectful compared to some of the pull overs I've seen . 💯

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