Monday, November 13, 2023

Gary Owens Ex-Wife Calls Him Out

Nearly three years ago comedian Gary Owen's wife, Kenya Duke, filed for divorce after 20 years of marriage and two children together [click here if you missed that]. 

Kenya calls out Gary for talking about their children's business online...

It all started after  Gary shared a video talking about how he hasn't seen is son in three years and how he snuck into his job just to get a look at him. 


Anonymous said...

“all kids want their parents to be happy!” this is 2023 hippy BS. you should be making sure YOUR KIDS are happy, not the other way around. what a lazy, selfish woman ):

Anonymous said...

He said nothing to her. She cant stop tripping.

Anonymous said...

Their son is an adult, not a 'kid.'

Anonymous said...

He sounds like a stalker.

Anonymous said...

I guess the daughter may be next.

Anonymous said...

Well, her response was typical of a still bitter ex wife.
I can understand why he held back so what she said was stupid. We all know the divorce impacted the kids. They shared it all online how they felt. The f*ck!!!? Why try to rehab they why? I’m getting tired of women not knowing when to stfu because not everything needs a response!
The man hasn’t seen his adult kids in 3 years. He’s telling a story of seeing his son from afar because he doesn’t want to intrude on his space which I saw nothing wrong with that. Ain’t nobody forcing themselves on an adult who hasn’t reached out to him when it should be reciprocated at this point.
I was on her side because he was wrong in how he handled parting ways with her by cheating but now throwing shots while she said nothing disrespectful nor shady towards her is making me be supportive of her. I detest a bitter bytch who can’t move on! Stop using the adult kids to absorb your pain because he is feeling the pain of not having a relationship with them as it is. They have enough to deal with having a strained relationship with their dad and the good thing is they are productive and being a part of society.

Anonymous said...

He said he already could see her online at her school so stop being ignorant. Black fathers don’t even do that much so it’s an issue because he is keeping his distance knowing they don’t want to talk to him.

Anonymous said...

*while he said nothing disrespectful *
*making me not supportive*

Her response made me so annoyed I didn’t check my spelling!

Anonymous said...

I'm beginning to believe Gary Owens is a master manipulator who desperately wants people to like him. He told that story about wanting to reach out to his grown adult son but instead just went to his place of employment and watched him from afar. That s--t is weird because his son is an adult. He could just call him, left a voicemail or asked to have a sit down. Or how about just saying, Hey son, I miss you and can we talk. He tried to paint a narrative that he's so desperately wanted to see his son but couldn't muster up the courage to say hi. I'm calling BS because his son is not some 12 year old. The son clearly saw and heard something unforgivable and for that, his daddy is on his s--t list. Tell the truth Gary or STFU!

RayeDonovan said...

Ya'll mad at her BUT no one is asking WHY he feels the need to sneak around his own flesh & blood...

Anonymous said...

Why stalk his own daughter on an electronic device? Give her a call or setup a chat.

Anonymous said...

Some of y'all have never been in the shoes to understand the walk. When parents divorce and kids choose the mother, sometimes the father's painted as a monster or bad guy and the children have to choose sides. And in most cases, they'll choose the mother because she's their primary caregiver. So no, it's not as simple as picking up the phone. Sometimes the adult child is still angry or grieving the loss of a family unit. Sometimes the adult child doesn't want to seem like they're betraying the mother by forgiving the father. And sometimes it just as simple as more time is needed to heal the wounds, whether perceived or real. So before you go calling this man a stalker for wanting to see his own kids who he obviously loves, think about all the men who couldn't care less if they ever saw their kids. You need a head check if you think he's wrong for what he did.

Anonymous said...

What 2:58 Said!!!

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