Tuesday, December 19, 2023

KeKe Palmer Called Ex 200 Times in a Row

This week KeKe Palmer's son's father, Darius Jackson, submitted photos of bruises he allegedly received from KeKe while she was being aggressive, in an effort to have her restraining order against him tossed out [click here if you missed that]. 

Darius also submitted his call log showing KeKe called him 200 times in a row and sent him 50 emails...

Keke Palmer’s ex-boyfriend Darius Jackson detailed the actress’ alleged toxic behavior as part of his effort to have her restraining order against him dismissed.
RadarOnline.com obtained the bombshell declaration filed by Darius weeks after he was ordered to stay 100 yards away from Keke and their son Leo.
The temporary restraining order is in effect until the next scheduled hearing — where Keke could argue to make the order permanent.
As we first reported, in her petition, Keke claimed she broke things off with Darius in October 2023 after years of dating. She said he showed up at her home in November demanding to see their son Leo.
She said she refused and an argument erupted between them. The actress claimed, “At that point, he lunged at me, grabbing at my neck and face, knocked me backwards over the couch, stole my phone out of my hands, and then ran out of the house.”
Keke described a separate alleged incident that went down in February 2020. She claimed Darius was upset with her over a photo of her in a bikini.
She claimed her then-BF, “slammed me on the floor and slapped my head from side to side.” Later that day, she said he “grabbed me around the neck and body slammed me back onto the stairs.”
Keke submitted a series of screenshots from her security footage that showed Darius and Keke.
In response, Darius demanded the temporary restraining order be dismissed. He claimed Keke was the aggressor during their relationship.
He told the court, “During our relationship, [Keke] was verbally and physically abusive. She frequently became agitated and aggressive after consuming alcohol.”
Darius claimed Keke punched him in the face on August 20, 2021. He submitted a text message that she allegedly sent him apologizing for hitting him.
In addition, Darius claimed that on November 17, 2021, “after I told [Keke] I was not ending the night with her, she called me over 200 times and sent me over 50 emails.” He submitted screenshots of his call log and emails as part of his filing.
Darius said Keke punched the windshield of his car while he was driving in January 2022 during an argument. He said Keke paid for a replacement and even submitted a copy of her transferring the money to him.
Darius claimed Keke punched him in the face on August 20, 2021. He submitted a text message that she allegedly sent him apologizing for hitting him.
In addition, Darius claimed that on November 17, 2021, “after I told [Keke] I was not ending the night with her, she called me over 200 times and sent me over 50 emails.” He submitted screenshots of his call log and emails as part of his filing.
Darius said Keke punched the windshield of his car while he was driving in January 2022 during an argument. He said Keke paid for a replacement and even submitted a copy of her transferring the money to him.


Anonymous said...

Oh well

Anonymous said...

See the days of the sistas being confrontational, instigating conflicts, being the aggressor, & then playing victim & gaslighting is over! They verbally & physically assault men & then call the authorities & play the victim & try to assassinate your character. The police & the courts are now hip to this. Leave these mentally ill she devils alone. A white mother Goddess would never do such a thing! A white mother Goddess will even chase you down the street just to make sure you’re ok! 🤗❤️👩

Anonymous said...

She never claimed to be a grownup.

Anonymous said...

And you're still on video beating her up. This dude is the biggest bum on the planet.

Kendall said...

Hmmmmmmm ok

Anonymous said...

Yeah it's called crazy making. Abusers do this to you to make you snap and come out your character. Darius is a text book abuser. Keke should get the baby and he should go to jail. Darius accused his own mother of lying when she went to court for a restraining order on his father for beating her. Hella said his mother made it up. His brother is doing the same thing with an actress from Insecure. These men are woman beaters and deserve hell on earth for what they do to the mothers of their kids.

Anonymous said...

The phone calls doesn’t have anything to do with him putting paws on her. This clown and his Mama and his abusing Brother and his greasy Daddy can kick rocks. The circle of abuse has got to end. KeKe, he’s trying to win public opinion. Miss, just keep letting your attorney and the court handle this. That’s a family of gaslighters.

Vernell said...

It Looks Like They Both Have Issues & Are DV Ab@sers, That Don't Need To Be Together. I Feel Sorry For Their Son.... Smh...

Anonymous said...

200 Calls.

Anonymous said...

Two sides to every story

Anonymous said...

THREE sides to every story bc neither is telling the full truth.

Anonymous said...

The way KeKe's loud mouth, threatening mama is, I'm not surprised. I believe KeKe is a fighter in relationships. She got her mama's temper, attitude, and slick bug mouth. She is not innocent by any stretch of the imagination.

Anonymous said...

I meant "big mouth" ^

Anonymous said...

10:07: You Get IT 🙌🏿

These Comments Are Based On Uninformed Opinions Based Unresolved Trauma 💅🏿

Liteskin Is A Textbook Case🙋🏿‍♀️


Where are the pics of her beating him? What was said on the emails? How many times did he email back? Dis he have the son when she was calling? Was she out of town? None of this says she was abusive or aggressive. He is asking for the restraining order to be thrown out. He's not asking for a restraining order against her. Pay attention!! So many men in here trying to write the narrative that isn't there. Where are his pics and video?? Email and call logs can be faked. IJS

Anonymous said...

Keke is "A MONSTER. A Horrible WO-man. Not Capable of Love."

Anonymous said...

Abusers do this to you to make you snap and come out your character.

Wow. So when does she take any responsibility for their actions? She's allowed to come out of character but he isn't? I can tell he's a total insecure POS stunted abuser but why is it ok for her to sit there and take it, then retaliate but not be accountable if shit goes left. If he's that bad just leave! As someone else said, her loud mouth mama is the blueprint and there's no way she was sitting there getting her ass kicked. They're BOTH toxic and she's not a Section 8 baby mama without options. She stayed with this fool for years and then had a baby with him. WTF. Some of you women really have it backwards.


@1:06 She did leave. All this ruckus is because she left and asked for a restraining order for HER. He is allowed to see the baby. I question why he wants it dropped if it doesn't affect his relationship with his son. She still hasn't spoken a word. The phone convo has been from him. Seems like she just wants to break up. He seems to be saying we will break up when I say it. Toxic relationship but he doesn't want to move on.

Anonymous said...

No, she didn't leave because she claims he was abusing her before she got pregnant. She stuck it out and kept the toxicity going and decided she had enough once she got the gift she was looking for -- his baby. Her plans backfired and he figured out he could profit off the dysfunction so no, he won't move on.

Anonymous said...

The problem is these things happened to him two and three years ago, and what he did to her happened a month ago. She told you waited to tell.

Anonymous said...

He's a textbook narcissist. They always claim to be the real victim while they are doing all the terrorizing. My narc abuser did the same thing. They don't want you to have restraint they want you to act a fool so that they make you complicit to your own abuse.

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