Saturday, February 10, 2024

Keith Lee Puts a Stop to Restaurant Scam

Popular Tik Tok food critic, Keith Lee, addresses scam in Indianapolis where influencers were charging local restaurants for a guaranteed 'Keith Lee' review...

@keith_lee125 Keith Leaves A Disclaimer 💕 God Bless You 🙏🏽 Yall Be Safe 💕 #foodcritic ♬ original sound - Keith Lee


Anonymous said...

I wish he would take some speaking lessons. It's the lack of enunciation.

Anonymous said...

His millions of fans love his speaking voice. Why change what ain't broke? ***The lack of standard English is purposeful and appropriate to make a point.***

Anonymous said...

@"8:07 exactly, not a darn thing wrong with his speech! Seems like a good dude.

Vernell said...

Damn, Now They Are Putting Mud On Keith Lee's Name. SCAMMING!!! N!gga's, Are Always Out For A, 'Get Rich Quick Plan' & They Don't Care Who They Hurt, Getting To The Bag... SMH...

LOLOL said...

He talks like a robot, which is weird to me.

Anonymous said...

To: 7:16 AM

If you don't like his speaking voice, then don't listen to him. Most of us have zero problems with how he speaks.

Anonymous said...

This sounds like haters who are jealous about Keith Lee's success and trying to ruin him. I hope the people doing this are found out and arrested. Extortion is a crime.

Anonymous said...

If you don't have haters you not doing it right.

Anonymous said...


Shut up

Anonymous said...

The man is know for his generosity and genuineness. What business owner would fall for this obvious scam.................................................

maybe a business owner that is a little scammy themselves

Anonymous said...

Wow. I have no problem with his speech. It's his shtick and I'm sure he doesn't speak that was all the time. BUTTTTT .... Not everybody has to kiss the ground Keith Lee walks on. All this man started out doing was eating people's food and commenting on it. Then he became popular and will probably making 6 to 7 seven figures as we speak. He seems like a good dude and blesses many people. That doesn't make him infallible or a God. People are allowed to dislike something about someone who's seemingly great. Some of you Negroes will never elevate out of the ghetto because you can't handle any form of criticism or feedback.

Anonymous said...

He must have a high metabolism to eat all that food and not get fat. Just smelling those fat fried burgers will put 10 pounds on me. LOLO

Anonymous said...

He should stop announcing where he's going.

Anonymous said...

This is zzzzzzz

Anonymous said...

I like this dude!!
Seems 100% genuine.

Anonymous said...

807. Thank you. People need to stop policing how we talk.

I know, they'll stop as soon as the whites starts using it. Just the other day I heard a white say "We good?" and I knew it was okay for me to say it at work.

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