Monday, February 26, 2024

Porsha Williams' Estranged Husband Sued by Private Jet Company

Last week reality TV star Porsha Williams abruptly ended her seemingly idyllic marriage to Nigerian Businessman, Simon Guobadia, after his U.S. citizenship application denial exposed an extensive history of fraud [click here if you missed that].

Simon's house of cards continues to tumble and now he's being accused of falling $1 million behind on the lease payments for his private jet...

A private jet company is now suing the Nigerian businessman for $974,213.11. The nearly seven-figure amount comes after he allegedly didn’t make payments on a timeshare jet that he bought from the company back in 2020. With the purchase, Simon Guobadia was able to use the jet at liberty although he didn’t actually own it.


Anonymous said...

Next time marry a chick named Nissan Altima & you should have some pocket change left playa! 🛩️

Anonymous said...

Porsha a bird 🐥

Anonymous said...

What does his poor financial situation have to do with her? He was scamming long before she was in the picture.

R in NYC said...

Scammers scamming. Next time just date, fux and go.

Anonymous said...

Porsha thought she hit a lick but didn't realize she was a mark the entire time. Porsha got played. Come to find out, Falynn told the truth, she didn't begin seeing Jalyn until after Simon dumped her and ruined her credit buying things in her name that he never paid. She tried telling people but they wouldn't listen.

So, Falynn didn't do him wrong, he did her dirty like he did the 3 wives. He actually believed he could get a higher credit line and bigger loans in Porsha's name because of her celebrity status. The jet company can and will sue Porsha and get paid because she flew on that jet while married. Any other debt Simon racked up, Porsha may have to pay because she's the U.S. citizen they can garnish, while Simon can just disappear to another country. This is why you don't marry foreigners without really looking deep. Porsha messed up the day she plotted to steal another woman's husband.

Falynn's very rich child's father ran down Simon's entire con and explained how dirty he did Falynn and that Simon dumped her to get to Porsha's money. He said Simon even tries to copy his lifestyle the way Porsha was copying Falynn. Porsha played herself. I knew Porsha was funding everything.

Anonymous said...

Porsha's goofy fans will say she's a boss and she swiped Simon's card until the money ran out and then she got in the wind. As if she has game and can run through a man's pockets when she couldn't even run through Dennis' pockets, so she darn sure did NOT fleece an old Nigerian scammer. 18 months was just enough time for Simon to fleece Porsha before booking a flight to Dubai where they say he has someone. Porsha may be on the hook to pay back a lot of the debt created during the marriage, just as Simon probably planned all along. Smh. For her daughter's sake I hope she recovers and never betrays another woman's trust. If a man will do it for you, he will do it to you.

Anonymous said...

Niice analysis 12:39, hit it on the nail.

Anonymous said...

Beware of these men with too many ex wives, something aint right.

Jcee said...

12:39 I can’t argue with nothing you said! She did try to warn posesha and folks called her a jealous cheating ho! I bet those comments won’t age well

Anonymous said...

Somewhere Simon's 1st wife is shaking her head. I'm of the mind frame that a man with 1 failed marriage should make a woman look deep before falling in love, but 3 and 4 failed marriages should make her run! I could never go behind that many wives. I have to be wife 1. Lol A long time friend wanted to date me but he has has 1 failed marriage with a daughter under his belt and a second union that resulted in two additional children that failed. I just couldn't look at him the same even though I knew him years before his situations.

Anonymous said...

I noticed several years ago that Porsha seemed so jealous of her friend Shamea's fairytale lifestyle to the point she skipped the wedding. I believe her envy of Shamea led her to set her sights on finding a rich African too, who happened
to be Falynn's husband, but God says don't covet what others have. When you covet another woman's husband and life it means you are ungrateful for what God has given you and you don't believe he can bless you too. This is when the Devil will see you as the perfect target.
So Porsha broke several Commandments trying to get a life like Shamea, only to get deceived. She lied saying she messaged Simon after the divorce announcement when she knows she was messing with him beforehand. Instead of waiting on God, she tried to overstep him, and it backfired. Simon doesn't own the jet, but allegedly owes $1 million to the company he was renting it from. Simon doesn't own the house in Costa Rica, it's really a hotel resort. Simon's businesses don't exist and haven't been active in years. Falynn even said his offices had no furniture and no employees. So if this man is supposed to be worth over $250 to $400 million but he never gets up to go to work, he doesn't have an executive board, he's not cutting checks to employees, then how is he a businessman? Basically, he took scam money to impress Porsha until he hooked her and then ran the scam on her. Had Porsha obeyed God and not coveted Shamea and Falynn's lives, she would have had God's protection. Now she must deal with the Fed's at immigration, Fed's in law enforcement, State law enforcement, and lawsuits. She had a beautiful life with 3 very easy jobs but she wasn't grateful.

Anonymous said...

@2:09 okayyy! She got got, hope she learns from it.

mil262 said...

This is only the tip of the iceberg.

Anonymous said...

Nene has a rich Nigerian Businessman, Tamar had a rich Nigerian Businessman, Portia had a rich Nigerian boyfriend the she married him. None of them ever said what type of Business the rich Nigerians owned or exactly what they did. Coincidence I don't think so.

Anonymous said...

343 yep they all desperate

Anonymous said...

Can't believe Porsha's fans are so naive. Believing that she didn't know something was going on with her husband. I guess he could hv hidden it. Had a office in the house where he cooked up his scams but she thought he was doing legit business. Going out say he has a business meeting but he's really going out for ice cream and shopping using his funny money.

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