Tuesday, May 07, 2024

Porsha Demands 50K for Divorce Attorney

Back in January returning Real Housewives of Atlanta cast member Porsha Williams filed for divorce from her second husband, Nigerian businessman Simon Guoabdia, after just 14 months of marriage [click here if you missed that]. 

Now Porsha is asking Simon to pay her legal fees...

In a recent motion, Porsha asked the court for $50k from Simon. Her lawyer wrote, “Wife has incurred and will continue to incur significant attorneys’ fees and expenses of litigation to defend against Husband’s Motion, which includes false statements and allegations, and requests that Husband be ordered to pay Wife temporary attorney’s fees in the amount of $50,000.00 given that his actions have caused Wife to not only file her Request for Immediate and Emergency Relief, but also to respond to the instant Motion.”
In a newly filed motion, Simon's lawyer argued against her client paying Porsha the $50k.
She said, "This Court should deny [Porsha's] request for attorney’s fees because she has failed to provide a statutory basis for the request as required under Georgia law."
The lawyer argued, "[Porsha's] request for a lump sum award of $50,000 in attorney’s fees is not allowed by law." 
A judge has yet to rule on the matter.


Anonymous said...

They shooting outside of Drake crib!!! Quick Snitch get on it!!!

Anonymous said...

Good luck with the 50-thousand and Simon is slicker than you.

Anonymous said...

@12:41 pretty much.....Where are all of the designer this that and the third. Sure in her wardrobe she can find that $50K

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