Friday, July 17, 2015

Future Slams Ciara Over Baby PR Stunt

Back in May R&B singer Ciara was photographed on a date with her new boyfriend, Seattle Seahawks Russell Wilson, with Russell carrying Ciara's toddler son with rapper Future and pushing the baby in a stroller [click here if you missed that].

Future calls CiCi out for using their son for publicity stunt…

In an interview with The Breakfast Club Future explains
"Of course I wouldn't want anyone to push my son. That's like the number one rule. If I was a kid, and my mom had a dude pushing me, I would've jumped out the stroller and slapped the s**t out of him."
"You never do that in our community. You don't even bring a man around your son. You only know this dude for a few months and you're bringing him around your kid? Who does that? Nobody does that."
"At the end of the day, I'm not for the publicity stunt. Leave my son out of all the publicity s**t. Just leave him out of your relationship, because we don't need your relationship for anything. I can take care of him on my own, without any help."