Monday, July 10, 2023

Hill Harper Announces Run for Senate

Actor and Harvard graduate Hill Harper announces his run for the Michigan Senate...


Chelle said...

I like Hill. Super cool guy!

Shafrika Lights said...

Damn, he that nigga!

The King Of The Real said...

great news

Anonymous said...

Finally a celebrity I would vote for in a MINUTE!!

Anonymous said...

Aging nice and respectfully. Good Luck

Anonymous said...

Hill is definitely qualified, yes.

Anonymous said...

After Ronald Reagan and Trump there aught to be a law, on celebrities getting in office, while I like him what's his qualifications, and I'm not impressed with his Harvard degree, we have enough yahoo's in both parties running the country in the ground. There is a homeless epidemic, I am tired of lying ass politrickans yes I said politricks, we need a new party, both parties are on the same team, we keep being distracted and no matter who you vote for, the country is getting progressively worse, look at the house crisis!!!! Homelessness abounds and people cannot afford the skyrocketing rents and mortgages. Until these real critical issues among many are fixed, none of these politicians serve any real purpose. When are we the 95% going to wake up? Collectively, we have the power and need to use it!

Anonymous said...

Go ahead brother

Anonymous said...

He's not a politician. That's a plus.

Anonymous said...

Some of them start out with good intentions but you cant get anything done with out the back door promises with some unsavory Political ppl.

Anonymous said...

And Towanda Braxton thought she was qualified to have Hill. This man is too educated to be with her. She better stick with what or whom the type she now. He's out of her league.

Anonymous said...

I would certainly consider him a strong candidate. Extremely intelligent and focused.

Anonymous said...

Barack endorsement for sure.

Anonymous said...


Unknown said...


It's a little bit more complicated than that. In the last midterm elections, something like 40% of eligible black voters, in Louisiana, did not vote. With everything going on Louisiana that impacts black ppl specifically - affordable housing, gerrymandering, racism, police shootings, anti abortion laws etc - none of those 40% voters felt motivated enough to vote for politicians that could've made a positive change in their communities (i.e. Democrats!). We don't need another party, we need to educate our ppl on *how* to vote. Right now, blacks (like idiots CTG) think that our vote is supposed to mean *instant gratification* of change, and it does NOT. When you vote Democrat, you're not just voting for *your* interests, you're voting to expand democracy, diversity, and social programs for upward mobility. Black ppl are selfish and short-sighted; they see groups like LGBTQIA, immigrants, Asians or Hispanics and think they're being left behind and they don't understand that just because other groups are progressing doesn't mean that they're being left behind. It's easy to romanticize Republicans because they are a very monolithic group; yt, heterosexual, and Christian. Republicans are going to try to divide the democratic vote because they can't win on policy- Republicans are anti abortions, anti immigration, anti climate change, and believe in giving the top 1% trillions in tax cuts- under Republican policy black ppl will desert further in economic poverty. Black ppl need to have a come to Jesus moment and fall in line with Democrats.

As for Hill, I'm not impressed. If he really wanted to be an asset he'd run for Congress in a district that's predominantly Republican. Running in a democrat district is only creating a distraction and taking away from a viable Democrat candidate. He needs to sit his @$$ down.

Anonymous said...

Hill Harper is lovely. I hope he continues to swerve the nonsense.

Anonymous said...

I'm here for Black union organizers and I like Harper. I'm in Michigan and he probably has my vote. Have to see who all shows up for the job.

Anonymous said...

1:42 What is expanding democracy? You are parroting Killary Clinton. Her expansion of democracy was killing Quaddafi and taking over Lybia, and now they have a slave trade going on. Illegal immigrants are dying in rickety ships and sucking social resources meant for blacks that they have been asking for years. What social programs are the Democrats giving to blacks? Over 90% of blacks voted for Old Jim Crow Joe, and they are receiving illegal immigrants in their community. Illegals are ready to receive apartments, money, food, and social services. The same social services blacks were voted for to obtain from Democrats'.

What policy is working for America and blacks under Jim Crow Joe? No bail reform? No jail time after they robbed and shot someone. Is that the democracy you are speaking of?
You act like being heterosexual and a Christian is a bad thing. Or do you prefer blacks to run being gay, promoting promiscuity, decadence, and debauchery, including AIDS and monkeypox? Do Blacks need this in their community?

You would prefer Joe Biden create more money out of thin air to fight Ukraine, a second home for Iseral, instead of Republican tax cuts that are in house in the united states to trickle down to poor people. This is what black people should vote for?

Unknown said...


You sound like a confused graham crakkka. Please name 5 relevant Republican policies that have impacted black Americans? Was it when they killed affirmative action and abortion rights via the supreme Court? Or, what about in Mississippi where they're actively trying to reinstate Jim Crowe laws? Or, is it in Oklahoma where they denied the last living Black Wall Street reparations? Or, was it when they eliminated African American studies in Florida? Please tell me how much progress blacks in red states are making?

I never said Democrats were perfect, but, black ppl don't vote enough in the midterm elections to create the change that they want to see in their communities. They don't donate to Democrat candidates like the immigration lobbyists do, which is why they get fed first. If you want to be accounted for then you need to start showing up in midterm elections and donating to candidates. Why do you think the NRA has so much power to prevent gun reform? It's because they donate and lobby candidates that support their agenda. Same goes for immigrants and LGBTQ; they donate and lobby. Ask your black caucus why they ain't doing enough to make the changes you want to see

Anonymous said...

Is abortion a right? Where is that written in the Constitution? Chinse killed affirmative action with no black pushback. Which Jim Crow laws are they trying to reinstate, and are blacks fighting that in the streets, or are they quiet? African American studies on homosexuality? Is that necessary? Jews are the only ones to get reparations, not blacks.
Jim crow joe had the house for two years after he 90 percent voted him in. What did he do for blacks? Installed a black woman to vote in favor of pedos soon. She didn't reward blacks in a lawsuit. As far as illegal immigrants and the LGBTQPedos, jews run them.

Black Chicagoan's voted for 90% for jim crow joe but it will be the illegals that will receive the 52 million dollars. Like you said blacks voted for change for their communities and they got it with illegals

Unknown said...

Abortion was a right (Roe v Wade) and bunch of conservative Republicans killed it via Supreme Court legislation; SCOTUS killed affirmative action, they just used Asians as a scape goat (common republican tactic; play one racial minority against another); the Jim Crowe laws they are attempting to reinstate are civics test to vote, outlaw interracial relationships, gerrymander communities so that their 40% state makeup counts as 1- lessening their political and voting powers; if you understood anything about politics you would know we live in a democracy and are govern by 3 branches- the president is not a dictator (despite your racist buddy, Trumpf & Desantis attempts) and we all have to vote on a federal and midterm elections to have any legislation created or passed. President Joe Biden won the presidency by 80+million votes; can you imagine if those same 80+ million people had voted in the midterms? We would have federal legislation for affirmative action, abortion rights and make the voting act a federal law with no exclusions.

Now, your turn, how have blacks in red states benefited from Republicans.

I'll wait...

Anonymous said...

Hill looking all political.

Anonymous said...

I don’t live there but he has my approval!
Him and Obama went to college together. He is one of the few brothers in Hollywood I take seriously. I remember when he said Happy Birthday to DWade’s confused kid calling him a young man and to check out his mother’s, Siovaughn’s book. People said he was wrong in not calling him a girl.
Hill adopted a boy and is teaching him to be a smart, intelligent young man. We need more of this in our community.

Anonymous said...

Hey 11:36 AM. Democrats or Republicans, it’s all the devl. So what are you getting all huffed up about? You need to be more concerned about God not the Gentiles.


Anonymous said...

Hill Harper and Taraji P. Henson dated. Polar opposites. Couldn’t see it working anyway. Taraji is a self proclaimed ghetto woman and proud of it. Weird.

Anonymous said...

I like Hill. Bought his book book back in the day. Seems like a stand up guy. Looks like my ex. I'd vote for him.

Anonymous said...

11:19 is one of the resident trolls who repeats the same line about Blacks and Democrats. Y’all prolly recognize his/her language. I expect more of them to come over the next 18 months. Just thought I’d mention that.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

U know what? I'd vote for him! I think he'd do a great job

Unknown said...


And my friends will be joining me. We gotta unmask you graham crakkkkas before the 2024 blue wave...just thought I'd mention that, too 😁

Anonymous said...

Sorry 11:36, they just don’t get it… and don’t WANT to understand it. Ignant or intentional. Anyway, I’m with you (but I would still vote for him… he needs to get in with the Dems as a progressive bc he knows he won’t beat any of those MI Repubs who’ve gone extreme.

Anonymous said...

1:49, yes, sure, they’re all devils if you believe in that sorta thing. You still need to find the lesser of these evils and still VOTE. God ain’t got nothing to do with it.

Anonymous said...

I can't take you seriously when an easy google search shows that Democrats ran Mississippi for almost 100 years. Democrats don't like blacks and will do nothing for you. Mississippi had manufacturing jobs but Kissinger a jewish man sent those jobs to China. You expect the 3 recent republicans governors to miraculously bring back manufacturing jobs to the state?

Jim Crow Joe had 80 million votes?!!? How come I don't see you greeting him when he is out and about?

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