Monday, August 28, 2023

Jamie Foxx's Fake Friend Revealed?

Earlier this month Jamie Foxx was forced to apologize after going off on a "fake friend" in a message perceived to be anti-semetic [click here if you missed that].

Has Jamie's "fake friend" been revealed...?

From Hollywood Street King
Sources close to the situation say that Jamie Foxx’s controversial, now-deleted Instagram post, which was perceived as antisemitic, was indirectly aimed at director Deon Taylor. After a Zoom call surfaced showcasing Deon belittling Jamie’s business acumen, Foxx, evidently irate, took to Instagram to vent his feelings. While his intention was to address personal betrayal, it unfortunately came across as a generalization, landing him in hot water.


Anonymous said...


Chelle said...

Jaimie go sit down.

Kendall said...


Anonymous said...

One donkey don’t stop no show.

Anonymous said...

Jamie appears to be self important. GOD ps the respecter of no person. (Something like that)

Lili said...

I didn't know HSK was still around?!

R in NYC said...

I've been wondering if it's the real Jackie Jasper posting on HSK again. He's suppose to be dead.

Anonymous said...

HSK is out of retirement and this info must be true because Jackie always brought the hot info. His comments section used to be overflowing with secrets.

Anonymous said...

To: 4:59 PM

I didn't hear he died but that he sold HSK because the streets got too hot from all the tea he was spilling. I also heard he received a big settlement from some case.

Anonymous said...

Once again, Jackie is right and this video he posted is proof Deon was badmouthing Jamie. So foul.

Anonymous said...

We all have our haters, they come with the territory. However, the only opinion that should matter to you is, Yours and yours alone. When you know thyself and are living your best life, who cares about a hater's opinion? not I!!!

Anonymous said...

To: 5:22 PM

Of course there are haters, but who wants someone they consider a friend to be revealed as a hater. No one should have friends that bad mouth them behind their backs. That's an untrustworthy individual.

Anonymous said...

That’s what he gets for using social media to settle a beef. Should have at least called him on the phone if they couldn’t sit down and talk it out. I’m sure Taylor would have accepted a call from Jamie. Well, that’s just what his cloned azz gets.

Anonymous said...

That was just tacky. I can see why some celebrities don’t deal with too many people.

Unknown said...

Wow. So, an artist shouldn't be involved in business? Lemme tell y'all, these c00ns are something else lol smh. I never even heard of this guy, but he's got time to do zoom interviews discussing someone else's career and wealth? Sir, how many Quinton Tarantino films have you completed? How many Oscar nominations and awards have you received? How many A-Listers are breaking down your door to collaborate? This clown needs to keep Jamie's name out of his mouth!

Anonymous said...

This is such BS - Zoom calls dont get leaked, they get hacked. Jacky and his HSK crew are a bunch of cyber crims chasing ambulances. I hope that mofo spills his hot tea on his junk and scalds it to hell

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