Wednesday, May 15, 2024

Real Housewives of Atlanta Cast Finalized

Last year there were rumors that Bravo was cleaning house and revamping the cast of The Real Housewives of Atlanta [click here if you missed that].

The new cast has been revealed and there are some old and new faces in the line-up...


Anonymous said...

They really need to let this show die.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

And where the hell is auntie NeNe?

Anonymous said...

Glad Kandi gawn.

Anonymous said...

Blah Blah Blah Blah
Blah Blah Blah.

Anonymous said...

Snitch I had coffee w/o you today. Hope you’re doing well. Keep up the gossip work.

Anonymous said...

They all look happy. Guess it’s the Cheque.

Anonymous said...

16 seasons of…..

LOLOL said...

8:52 AM, Thats who they need to shake things up.

Drew the tired don't Dew. She has never had a storyline and is boring. They need to start all over with everyone. Porsha will be the star this season with her divorce from her African Boo-ddha.

Anonymous said...

Nene bit the hand that fed her. I don't blame Andy. He doesn't need the extra cheque, Nene does. I don't care who you are, you aren't about to play in my face and smear my name, and think you're about to eat off my plate. If I was Andy, I'd let the whole show go, before bringing her back 🀷🏾‍♀️

Jcee said...

πŸ₯± yawn I haven’t watched this show in years! And nothing about this line up makes me want to watch it. Best of luck to these ladies.

Jcee said...

I see Kandi finally let it go but she’ll be back

R in NYC said...

Hard pass. Don't know most of these ladies from a can of paint.

LOLOL said...

Nene is not the only one that went after Andy. The Yt housewives from other franchises did also. We don't know what happened behind the scenes. AC b!ch-es out when he's been drinking (observed on New Year Eve show) and is full of himself. I would never trust him.

Anonymous said...

Andy is definitely trash, but he still holds the keys to the car. Unless there's a non-compete clause, Nene can start her own show. But she doesn't have the skills or the connections AC has. I don't rock with him, but the fact remains that you can't openly trash your ex-boss and expect to return when you're ready.

Anonymous said...

Nene was hoping that she'd ruin his career, but it backfired. He's not bringing her back and folks need to accept that.

Anonymous said...

Yet Shamea is the only real housewife. Smh Bravo has made a mockery out of God's covenant between God and married couples. Porsha's "marriage" lasted 15 months. Why showcase an adulteress? Why? Women will watch other wholesome women, it doesn't have to be scandalous.

Rhymes With Snitch said...

8:58 I’m ok thanks for asking. I’m having tech issues and and am posting from my phone with great difficulty lol. I will be back to regular posting soon as my MacBook is fixed.

Anonymous said...

So glad Marlo was placed in the trash bin.

Anonymous said...

Andy needs to make a show called “Passport Wives.”
I’ll write the treatment for the pilot.

Anonymous said...

There's no "passport wives" show because they're miserable and are essentially basically given no freedom. They also don't exist because these "passport bros" are broke and can't afford the paperwork to bring them back to this country anyway.

Anonymous said...

12:33 - that insecure troll wants attention. Anyone posting that is a straight incel. Because if it was real, he would be with his boo not posting imaginary bust down quotes on RWS.

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