Tuesday, May 14, 2024

Wendy Williams Penthouse Sold at a Loss

Two years ago former daytime talk show host Wendy Williams was placed under a financial guardianship after her son's lavish spending raised red flags with Wells Fargo Bank [click here if you missed that]. 

Now it's being reported that Wendy's beloved Manhattan penthouse has been sold by her guardian at a huge loss...

Wendy Williams’ cherished Manhattan penthouse, once hailed as her dream abode, has been sold off by her guardian, The Post has learned.
The transaction, which closed on May 10, occurred only several years after Williams acquired the Financial District property.
It’s also the latest chapter in Williams’ ongoing legal and personal challenges after being diagnosed in 2023 with primary progressive aphasia and frontotemporal dementia.
Records accessed by The Post indicate that Williams, 59, was deemed “incapacitated,” thus necessitating the involvement of a guardian in the decision-making process regarding the sale of her residence.
The three-bedroom, three-bathroom penthouse traded hands for $3.75 million, marking a considerable decrease of $822,000 from its purchase price in July 2021.
An insider close to Williams lamented her circumstances, telling The Post, “Wendy’s dream has always been to live in Manhattan in a dream apartment but never got a chance to do so. It is a very unfortunate situation.”
Prior to the sale, Williams divested herself of all personal belongings housed within the property, including her iconic purple chair, a fixture synonymous with her provocative “Hot Topics” segment that captivated audiences for years.
Meanwhile, at the same time that Williams was selling off her belongings, she was also dealing with a hefty tax problem.
She owed more than half a million dollars in unpaid taxes, which resulted in a federal tax lien. Legal documents revealed that her New York City condo, purchased for $4.5 million in 2021, was affected by this lien.


Anonymous said...

Nobody had her back. Shame.

R in NYC said...

Wow. This is just sad.

Anonymous said...

Somehow these stories are everywhere when it was said in her documentary months ago that this was being sold at a loss. Must have something to do with her bum ex-husband still trying to dig in her pockets.

Jcee said...

The same way folks protested and begged that Britney not be under a conservatorship we need to be doing the same for Wendy only we need to say that her family needs to be involved in this process. I cannot understand why they have a total stranger over her when she has a child and we all know that they tried to act like her son was stealing money from her just so that they could put a stranger in place. Her son was not stealing anything from her because if he was there would have been criminal charges to follow, and we would have had a say in it because she is deemed incapacitated . The same way people lied on Britney‘s dad and said that he was stealing money come to find out he didn’t steal any money. Britney was not in any debt. Her finances was managed and handle very well. She didn’t owe any taxes or anything and again had court he was misappropriating money he would have had charges filed against him, Instead they got him out the way And now Britney is running all over the place looking and acting a fool finances probably in shambles.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

One man’s loss is another’s gain. Transfer of wealth. Dont be scared.

No Chiraq said...

What became of her iconic wig collection

LOLOL said...

This is devastating to see a woman on top of her game after sacrificing so much to reach the top. She married a low life mum from the streets.
I respect her grind and hard work regardless of how some of you feel about.
That apartment needed work to get a better price. No one wanted to purchase an apartment with purple walls. Everyone wants move in ready. That hurt her selling and it looked like it needed some updating.
I wish her the best. Love you WW.

Anonymous said...

Poor Wendy


Funny how now that she is under this guardian, she's experiencing dire financial problems. If she's so broke where did the money come from to pay that freeloading ex of hers? This is how they do it. Pretty soon they will say she is millions of dollars in debt. Then quietly they will start disbursing money. Smoke and mirrors. This guardian is stealing from her. Why would a MANHATTAN penthouse go for less than a million? I live in Georgia and I know that doesn't happen. While she's under this, they're going to rob her blind. All while her family is helpless to stop it. NEVER let outside people get in your finances. They will start to think it's theirs.

Anonymous said...

The property sold for $3.75 million. The value decreased by over $800k. She purchased it for $4.5 million.

Anonymous said...

I know Wendy's son must feel bad that because of his excessive spending, he triggered the bank to place this person over his mom's fincial affairs.

Anonymous said...

But it wasn't excessive for Kevin Jr and Wendy's lifestyle. 100K on food delivery is outrageous to me, but not to them.

I can imagine Wendy rollin' her eyes at his spending but he didn't spend anymore than his daddy or his momma spent. Kevin Jr. triggered the change, but it ain't his fault. And I ain't even here for Wendy.

Jcee said...

2:45 that’s what the lie was he spending didn’t trigger that her former attorney spoke and about that it was lie. They also tried to say he used her credit card without her permission when he been on her credit card since her was young! For example I have my child on my American Express my child has their own card that’s how it work when you have an authorized user I told my child the amount they can spend. This is Wendy ONLY child I’m sure all these years she gave him a set amount and he was able to spend that amount freely. Those ppl lied on her son because of they could get the public to believe he did something g wrong and the courts then they wouldn’t have to answer to him since he was next of kin! He rightfully should be over all of Wendy stuff!

Anonymous said...

With Wendy's income she should have had a trust with all the pieces in place to protect her estate if she was unable to function. This is incompetence and karma.

Anonymous said...

How does a house in this current housing market sell for less than it was purchased for a few years ago? Exactly who was this house sold to?

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

You know if a judge sided with low life Kevin
That the "guardian" had to provide a copies of Wendy's finances to him, even though Wendy doesn't have a steady income right now., something in the milk ain't clean

Anonymous said...

Snitch late for work again

Anonymous said...

Snitch sets her own hours.

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